Thread: sensitive issue
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Old Wed Nov 29, 2000, 01:23pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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It all boils down to the fact that picking/hiring someone based on race or gender is wrong no matter the direction. Discrimination of yesterday where white males received all the good jobs is no more or less wrong that choosing a female or minority over a male or white person based on that factor. In the past, blacks and women were held back inspite of even great ability. Now, they are advanced (at times) in spite of ability. Both situations are equally wrong.

To justify the decision as a desire for diversity is just an excuse. It may help a group avoid political pressures for a while. But, it helps noone in the long run to have an unequal playing field. Doing so fosters resentment and prolongs the false idea that a group of people is inherently inferior to the others since they "need" false assistance to advance. Those that highly succeed in this society are largely those that reach their success through achievement, determination, and effort on a level or even uphill playing field and not discriminatory assistance.