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Old Wed Nov 23, 2011, 03:17pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by jdw3018 View Post
Not only is this scenario one in which I would expect both officials to be looking into the lane, but granting timeouts are not situations in which only the official with the ball in his/her primary should make the call. If the coach requests a timeout, I'm glancing to make sure his team has PC, then granting it, regardless of where the ball is.
Precisely (but not exclusively ).

When bodies are jumping on a lose ball in the lane, that becomes the trail's business. There is just too much that can happen there and it needs 2 sets of eyes. It's not like someone is going to set a screen away from the ball....and even if they do and do so illegally, it will not matter.

As for time out, that IS your job. You heard the coach request it, you must verify his team is allowed to have the timeout so you can grant it. You could just as well be an entire court away from the ball. Primary is 100% irrelevant to this situation.
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