Tue Nov 22, 2011, 09:04am
I miss being on the floor
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Hartford, WI
Posts: 917
Originally Posted by Rufus
Did a girl's varsity game last night and think I talked myself out of foul call. I'm L table side and the rebound goes to the opposite side of the lane (i.e., outside my area, or so I thought at the time). A1 has good position blocking out B1 and grabs the rebound. Unfortunately I'm straightlined as she's pulling the ball down and I see the B1's arm move and A1's head come forward. I didn't see the contact, however, and A1 didn't go down, drop the ball, or grab her head.
Here are the thoughts that went through my head:
- It's opposite me and therefore C's call/no-call
- That being said if I see it go get it (the theory being it's better to have two whistles than none)
- I didn't see the contact even though there is evidence there was contact
I'm trying hard this season to concentrate on calling only what I see instead of assuming things. I guess I'm looking for judgement criteria you all use for these types of situations. Do you go on severity of the contact? Advantage/disadvantage? Contact is contact, regardless of the impact on the affected player? If the evidence is that there was contact, even if you didn't see it, do you call it?
Thanks in advance.
Let's say this one is in your area. I'd use advantage/disadvantage, unless the contact is severe. Since she didn't lose the ball or fall forward or anything like that, play on.