Thursday, I'll call my last league night of the season (and probably last games of the 2011 season), but over all it was a good year.
The spring HS season started off with a bang (a 15 inning 3 plus hour game) and things progressed from there. Shuffling both HS and ASA games in the spring can be fun and also difficult. When the HS play-offs came around, both myself and 'mrs okla21fan' had to turn back first round HS play-off games in which we were requested by name due to prior ASA commitments. The following week however we were assigned play-off games and that continued for 3 more weeks through the Regional Finals. All in all, we called four rounds of the play-offs in 3 different classifications. We also made the trip to Austin to watch our chapter's '#1 crew' call the 5A state finals for the 2nd year in row in Texas. They did great imo!
Summer ASA started very quickly and while I do wear a few different hats (umpire, league/tournament administrator), I was asked to UIC the main complex for a 18U Gold Qual, however at the last moment, the Dallas ASA FP UIC became available. So, at the 11th hour, and I got to call this qual instead. Worked one of the 'qualifying game' finals (the tournament did not complete when the bids were decided)
Mrs okla21fan had already been awarded the 14U USA/ASA Natl in Midland, and I was awarded the 12u Southerns, but I had to turn that back due to being laid off at work early in the spring (thinking I might working soon with no time off) Well, things worked out that I was not working so I went to Midland with Mrs Okla21fan. The UIC knew I would be there, and had me on 'standby' in case any other blues went down for what ever reason. Tues night I got the call from Walt and worked (after a 15 year hiatus of calling) my 5th Natl. It was very fun.
Mrs Okla21fan worked the 'if' game of the tournament (her third natl in a row)
After Championship Play it was back to ASA ball, but I am ready for this season to close and take a couple of months off.
But overall, it was a good year I think.