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Old Tue Nov 15, 2011, 04:34pm
HLin NC HLin NC is offline
Chain of Fools
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,648
In the playoffs, penetrations (one snap inside your opponents 20 was considered a penetration) were used to settle tie games. It then progressed from first downs, yardage, etc. in the event penetrations were tied. Using this scenario, a team didn't have to score, just merely get inside an opponents 20 yard line at the end of a close game.

In the state final games in the event of a tie, both teams were declared co-champs.

Crazy isn't it.
In NC in the early 70's, a playoff game tie game was broken by total yardage gained. The only state championship my high school has ever won was a tie game co-championship in 1972.
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