Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Come on, Andy got the job because the UIC needed a body guard
I don't even know if he is from AZ! He couldn't even tell me if a cactus has roots!
And on top of that, he flies into Charlotte, NC and complains about the lack of good Mexican food! Really? You are supposed to be from Mexico Lite and you expect NC to meet your taste expectations in a food very foreign to that region?
Just kidding! But I must say Andly looked a little bit taller than he did in February. Then again, it was probably because he was standing next to all us short people.
BTW, we learned something new. A "youth" or "ute" in the metro NYC area, only to people who do not play college ball.
First of all...what the hell do I know about cacti? (that is plural for cactus). Just because there are about a milion of 'em within a 50 mile radius of me doesn't mean I know if they have roots or not....and where did that question come from, anyway....
For the record, it was NOT my decision to have the Mexican food in the airport...and I did not complain about it, just noted that maybe it wasn't the best choice....Perhaps if we hadn't been delayed FOUR times by US AIR, we wouldn't have seen all that the Charlotte airport has to offer.
And, yes, I did notice an abundance of short people everywhere.....
BTW...good to see you again, Mike!