Lots of change in my softball life this year.....
I was offered and accepted the job of Deputy UIC for AZ ASA early this year. Lots of learning new and different things. Although I still plan on umpiring games, I am starting to transition into more administrative and training duties. I'm also looking forward to learing how to be more involved in the ASA hierarchy.
I attended the ASA UIC clinic in Oklahoma City for the first time and really enjoyed that. Finally got to meet some of the board regulars and put faces with names.
The highlight of the year was easily being selected and working the ASA 18 Gold championship in San Diego. What a great week meeting other umpires from all over the country and working and learning from three great UICs.
I also just returned from the ASA National Council Meeting for the first time. Very interesting to see how things work "behind the scenes"...especially the rules and code change process and all of the debate that goes on. Also discovered a new beer...Yeungling...a Pennsylvania brew that was quite good. Can't get it here out west, so I will have to wait for my next east coast trip to have some more.
I also got back into slowpitch doing some league ball after a long hiatus. I'm looking forward to getting more involved on that side of the game to help me be a more rounded UIC.
I will probably work one more tournament Thanksgiving weekend in Las Vegas then call it quits for the year. Very eventful year for me.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!