I called my first National and was selected to do the National Semifinal for the 14U as the home plate umpire. In high school ball, due to some very odd rules, I was a varsity official for the first time and was told I would never finish in the ratings high enough to be anywhere near the playoffs. But the season ended and I was ranked number 5 overall in my county. With this came more rules, saying that first year varsity officials aren't allowed to work any playoff games. But they "bent" the rules and I was given two games, including the county semifinals in the top conference in a three umpire system and did well. I was asked to become a UIC and rules interpreter for one organization and was asked to run for the position of vice president of my local umpiring association, but turned down that opportunity for a chance to run as our association's UIC and clinician. Met some AMAZING umpires from all over the east coast from Buffalo to Rhode Island to Virginia to Florida. Was working a rising stars league at a local D1 university and was, unbeknownst to me, scouted by the head coach of said university and was approached about doing college games next year. I'm kinda still waiting on word about that. Called my last game last weekend. This year was a big year for me, and I would hope next year to be even bigger. I was told that I impressed a few people this past year and I look forward to making an even bigger impression on even more people next year.
ASA, NCAA, PONY, USSSA Fastpitch, NYSSO Umpire
As umpires, we are expected to be perfect our first game and get better every time out thereafter.