Originally Posted by deecee
I don't care if it's my first varsity game. If a coach throws that line out I'm t'ing him up and setting the tone. treat me with respect and ill talk to coaches and players as often as I am capable of. Try walking over me and you will find the rug pulled very fast.
There is no justification or excuses for the coaches actions during a game. Each game, I treat, as a contest in a vacuum. I don't hold previous positive or negative actions by a coach for or against them.
I did not say it was OK. I think it is not surprising a coach would not only think of what level the official is they are dealing with, but even say something sometime. How you handle it is up to you. But I do know that if every time someone says something to you and you T them, you will have a lot of Ts for a lot of comments. We all have our own line.