Thread: Verticality
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Old Fri Mar 14, 2003, 08:35am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Originally posted by Blackhawk357
He has to first establish a legal guarding position (both feet on the floor w/in 6 feet). If he is switching onto a driving offensive player, the requirement is much tougher (establish) than if he has been defending that player before the drive (maintain).
Blackhawk, I'm not sure what your rationale is for this last sentence. It seems to me that the requirements are exactly the same for any defender, whether he is the primary or secondary defender on the ballhandler (assuming Fed or NCAA men's rules). If you're defending the ballhandler, then the only requirement is that you beat him/her to the spot. There is no "time or distance" requirement when defending the ballhandler. So whether you're the primary defender, trying to prevent the drive, or you're the secondary defender, jumping in at the last second, the requirement is the same. Get there first. Then the contact is the responsibility of the ballhandler.

Were you trying to make a different point?

In any case, your main point is correct. This is exactly why we must officiate the defense. If you don't see the defender until contact occurs, then it always looks as though the ballhandler got there first.

If the defender has established a legal guarding position, he is entitled to that position and everything above that position, and may move to maintain that position.
Every player is entitled to the area above his spot on the floor, whether or not he has legal guarding position, provided he got to that spot legally. If a guy is just standing there, but is not facing the ballhandler, then he does not have LGP. But that doesn't mean that the ballhandler can then run up his back and push him down from behind. The dribbler still has responsibility for the contact in that situation.

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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