2 of the schools we work every year share a turf field, one plays 11 man and the other 8 man on the 80 yard narrower field.
The goal lines are orange (11-man school's color) and the 10s are black (8 man school's color) The 11 man hashes are marked as yard lines, but the 8 man hash's are also marked intersecting each 5. The only real marking problem we have, is when we play the 8-man games, the "goal-line" ends 4 inches from each sideline.
After a score at either end zone, they have a crew of kids who move the pylons and we play the try from the normal 3 yard line whether there is a kick or not. Not a big problem, because if the kick is blocked, its dead.
This year we had a field goal attempt, so we moved up 10 yards. Including moving the chains to the new correct yard line. The kick was blocked, recovered and returned. As I was running back, I was processing in my mind, where is the goal line now? The kid slipped around midfield and fell so my "problem" was solved. When we respotted the ball 10 yards closer to the correct goal line, but announcer interpreted a penalty agaisnt the offense, the coach was screaming, until I reminded him, we had the 10 yard distance to make up.