Originally Posted by umpirebob71
I really hope that the ASA comes out with new fabric for their shirts. The ones we have now breath about as well as cast iron, and are nearly unwearable in high heat and humididty.
The gentlemen from ASA Properties that spoke at the committee meeting noted that this has been a much requested item by the umpires. As Irish noted, the issue is durability vs price.
There are materials out there that have moisture wicking properties and are much lighter weight, but the cost of the shirt would increase signifigantly, and again, the durability issue comes up. they don't want to put a new shirt our there that costs more, but doesn't last as long. As an example, I purchased a new shirt with my HS association logo, it is much lighter weight, but costs twice as much as the ASA shirt.
The other thing to remember is that ASA has not raised the price of the shirt since it was introduced.