Thread: Technical Fouls
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Old Wed Nov 09, 2011, 03:06am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Chris Whitten View Post
Due to having crap for a memory, I am attempting to create a more user friendly version of the technical foul chart in the back of the NFHS rules book. Whatever comes of this exercise will be offered to my high school association and the rec league I call in for instructional purposes. Your additions or deletions are encouraged. Just want a good, solid way to remember it. Here it is so far:

All TFs count toward the team foul count. The exception is the Indirect TF which may be viewed as an "also assessed to" TF meant to penalize the head coach for action of his bench personnel or illegal activity during warmups.

All TFs on players or bench personnel count toward their 5 personals.

Head coach always loses standing privilege after a Direct or Indirect TF.

The Team shall be assessed a TF for the following (No TF to the coach):
*Book changes/Not having book ready
*More than 5 players on the court
*Excess timeouts
*Violation after delay warning
*Team not ready to start the half
*All players not returning at approx. the same time
My first bit of advice is to use and teach as specific terminology as you can. It will help you keep the technical foul chart straight.

1. Technical fouls NEVER are personal fouls. Use the term "individual" fouls. I know that the chart says that a player technical counts toward 5 "personal" fouls, but it really counts towards the five INDIVIDUAL fouls each person can accumulate.

2. A player is one who is legally on the court during the game. You cannot have more than five players. That is impossible. There can be more than five team members.

3. The head coach does lose his right to stand. He merely loses the coaching box privilege. The head coach may stand even without a coaching box for certain situations. See 10-5.

4. All team members are bench personnel during warm-ups, so that is why the head coach would get an indirect if one of them did something warranting an individual T. However, there could be a situation in which a T is charged to the home team during warm-ups and the head coach wouldn't be penalized. (Perhaps the crowd throws stuff on the court at the visiting team. They aren't bench personnel.)

5. All team members are bench personnel between quarters, but the five players remain players during a time-out, unless they are replaced by substitutes. Keep track of who was on the court when granting a TO as this could matter for an indirect.

6. Once a team member goes to the scorer's table to report, he/she becomes a substitute and is no longer bench personnel, so any T committed by that individual would not be charged to the head coach.
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