Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
What now? Credit checks?
Feds have already cleared my background. I ain't worried, but... Yeah, we've beaten that one to death.
Got tired hearing the constant reference to the umpire in AZ who was arrested for taking two runaway teenagers to a hotel and leaving them money. The only reason he was caught was because the girls complained that he paid them with counterfeit money. Oh, BTW, they were not softball players, nor was this associated with softball in any way.
However, the moment it was mentioned he was an umpire, Chicken Little came to roost. The man DID clear TWO BIs, once again proving my point that background checks only catch those who have been caught and are not smart enough to avoid being caught again.
The excuse was that the previous conviction was too long ago and in another state. Forget about the fact that the individual provided an altered SSN & driver's license number.