Thread: Rules online
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Old Tue Nov 01, 2011, 03:59pm
jchamp jchamp is offline
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef View Post
I doubt that very much. And the fact that it's now been removed would pretty much prove that point.
I was just repeating what a more senior member of my organization told me. I'm not surprised at all that it got pulled. I just find it unfortunate that NFHS finds it necessary to obfuscate the game by making the rules more difficult to obtain.
I know that you can make the case that by ensuring that the only source is the official source, you prevent a certain amount of poisoning of the well. But from the perspective of someone who is just trying to know what the rules are in order to teach, learn, etc., they're trying to enforce a revenue source out of the books. There has got to be better ways to make money.
The smartphone app is cute, but I have a 4-year old phone and a 8-year old computer that can read pdf files. Seriously, why not just release the friggin' pdf's? Why does everyone have to use this smartphone golden hammer?
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