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Old Mon Oct 31, 2011, 09:22am
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Adam Adam is offline
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Bob already addressed this, but I want to add a couple things.
Originally Posted by k_st8r View Post
Bottom line..... Player is hurt.... dead ball...... end of period or not.... prior to putting ball into play, if there is a player at the scorers table, your going to wave them in, if the coach requests a time out, your going to grant it. Teams are not "required" to have five players on the court. What am I missing??? sometimes people read too much into the rules instead of using common sense. Only issue I see here is the possible delay of game, should the team with the hurt player not take the court when prompted by the horn. after a second verbal request, in most cases the coach breaks the huddle or calls the time out. In closing......even though the rules state 1 minute between quarters... in the 1,000's of games I have done, i have NEVER timed the breaks between quarters... half time yes, quarters no.
In another thread, you said 15-20% of your games are high school. In yet another thread you lead us to believe you work varsity games. 20% of thousands would be at least 400. Are you saying in 400 high school games, you've never worked a game where they've properly timed the quarter breaks?

And this crap about reading too much into the rules is often code for, "I played for 20 years. I know enough about the rules, I don't need to read the book."
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