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Old Mon Oct 31, 2011, 07:44am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by k_st8r View Post
Bottom line..... Player is hurt.... dead ball...... end of period or not.... prior to putting ball into play, if there is a player at the scorers table, your going to wave them in, if the coach requests a time out, your going to grant it. Teams are not "required" to have five players on the court. What am I missing??? sometimes people read too much into the rules instead of using common sense. Only issue I see here is the possible delay of game, should the team with the hurt player not take the court when prompted by the horn. after a second verbal request, in most cases the coach breaks the huddle or calls the time out. In closing......even though the rules state 1 minute between quarters... in the 1,000's of games I have done, i have NEVER timed the breaks between quarters... half time yes, quarters no.
When all else fails use common adding.... warning horns are hit and miss... in as varsity game, you might have consistency in the horns, any other level, horns are suspect, if not not existant.
1) Teams are required to have 5 players, if they have 5 available. See 3.1.1 for example

2) The time between quarters is always timed here at the varsity level, and will be done at lower levels if you ask them to.

3) Tell the table at the lower levels to give you wa warning horn. Then count to 15 and ask for a second horn.
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