Watching a game yesterday and saw the following situation...
R1 on 2nd.
0 or 1 out
Left handed batter
Batter strikes out.
R1 steals third.
Batter walks toward dugout (3B side) crossing between catcher and 3rd.
Catcher holds the ball (doesn't make attempt to get R1).
A) Could interference have been called on batter (already out)?
B) Would C needed to have made a throw for interference to have been called?
C) What is the result if this is interference? R1 out? R1 back on 2nd? What if R1 started on third and had a lead? C still held the throw b/c of the batter.
I had no dog in this fight, just thought it was an interesting scenario.
BTW, I'm not a blue, just a parent who likes to know the rules (although I'm not always successful
