Originally Posted by LIUmp
What sticks out to me is that this wasn't one team. This was TEAMS. Usually, teams deal with the good and the not so good. For teamS to threaten to not play if he umpires screams that there has been significant issues in the past with regards to his umpiring according to the teams. If it is warranted, then I blame his UIC/Assignor for not addressing this sooner so it didn't get to this. If it's not warranted, then what happened to make someone out to get this guy?
That's only what the assigner told the OP at least. More than likely it was one specific player - probably a team captain that complained about the umpire. The assigner has no guts and made up the "teams won't play" part to cover his own lack of fortitude. Since when do teams have meetings to discuss upcoming tournament umpires? Usually they show up at the field and then complain - not before. It's probably one player, from one team that the OP made a call against earlier in the season.