Thu Oct 20, 2011, 09:41pm
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Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
I am reminded of the story of the first grade teacher who tells all her students that she is a NY Yankees fan, and asks them to raise their hands if they are Yankees fans, too. And like most children of that age, thay all raise their hands; except for one little girl, Roseanne.
So the teacher asks Roseanne why she didn't raise her hand, as Roseanne replies that she is a Boston Red Sox fan, not a Yankees fan. The teacher asks her why, and she says that her mom and dad, as well as her big brother, are Red Sox fans, and she likes to watch the games with them.
Well, the teacher proceeds to tell Roseanne that she shouldn't do everything her parents like, that she should be able to decide for herself, asking "What would you do if your parents were morons?" And Roseanne's answer was
"Then they would be Yankees fans."
Now that reminds me of a conversation I had with my daughter on football years ago. I'm a stillers fan and my wife was an iggles fan, Since Pam doesn't read this board - my daughter chose the moron side - she's an iggles fan. Oh - and the son-in-law follows the cowboys. Family time during football is fun.
Steve M