Originally Posted by GetItRight
Someone needs a lesson in watching his area of responsibility and not watching the ball carrier when he is out of his zone. Classic case of ball watching rather than his area of responsibility. Easiest way to explain it is that if the ball is nto in his zone, and he is not watching his zone, that no one is covering his zone and bad things can happen. Explain the need to watch his zone and have faith that his partners can do their job.
I kind of disagree.
We should definitely be officiating in our area - if we don't, no one will, but we should also be observing ALL areas. If there is a question about a play, the last thing the white hat wants to hear is "I don't know. It wasn't my area."
We need to take care of our area, but we also need to have an opinion about everything that happens on the field. If you don't have all the information because you couldn't see everything, you need to articulate that during the discussion. Form an opinion but be open to new information.