Originally posted by Hawks Coach
Chuck turns this into a specific situation of a taller player turning her face into the hand of a shorter player with legal guarding position. That is also not what I was referring to.
What, what,

I know, I know. It's Stan's mom who says that, not Kyle. But I couldn't find Stan's mom. But anyway. . .
Hawks Coach. . . you callin' me out? You takin' a poke?

Heck, I don't mind being corrected when I'm wrong, but here's all I said about your "poke in the eye" situation.
Coach, I agree with you. And I think (although I don't want to put words in his mouth) that Jeff would agree with you, too. But the incident in the Duke/UNC game -- which is what Jeff was referring to -- was not the kind of contact that you describe.
Notice that the first thing I said was that I agree with you. If the official sees an accidental poke in the eye, especially if it results in a turnover, then it needs to be called a foul and not treated as incidental. I'm wit'choo, as my college roommate used to say.
All I was trying to point out was that the incident in the Duke game -- which Jeff had alluded to -- was a different sort of case from the one you brought up.