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Old Wed Mar 12, 2003, 07:41am
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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It is amazing how a couple of people can take a situation and fundamentally alter it to continue making their case. Rut, I never was talking about imagining contact. I have said that twice, but you continue down a tangent that now includes flopping to draw a call. A visible poke in the eye clearly is not a flop. Chuck turns this into a specific situation of a taller player turning her face into the hand of a shorter player with legal guarding position. That is also not what I was referring to.

I am refering to a situation in which the contact is initiated by the defender moving their arms, the contact is a clear and painful poke in the eye, and the ref says that accidental equals incidental contact.

As for ball handlers flopping, don't see it much. Plenty of shooters take the flop on the drive into the lane, and we have it in MS girls as well. But then again, our MS girls usually have several years of travel ball under their belts, so they are not still trying to learn how to dribble

My MS girls completely destroyed a MS boys team recently in a scrimmage. We had beaten them only slightly in a scrimmage two weeks earlier, mainly because we were intimidated by their rep at the outset and took half the game to get going. On this second outing, the boys went the first 5 minutes without a look at the basket, and saw few after that. We ran a lay-up drill on them, which was interrupted only by some quality jump shots, backdoor cuts, and power post moves in the half court offense. The funniest thing was watching my girls help the boys up and ask them if they were ok. I am sure the boys were better, just having an off day I guess.
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