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Old Tue Mar 11, 2003, 11:53pm
heyblue heyblue is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 41

We held our pre-season tournament this weekend and I saw something I had not seen before and would like your opinions. Here's the play: (by the way, this was an ASA tournament)

Everytime the firstbaseman for the home team would catch the ball, her right foot would be on the white bag while her left leg was placed behind her, in foul territory, about six inches away from the orange bag with her toe about even with the dividing line between the orange and white bag. (in other words, it looked like she was trying to block most, but not all of the orange bag with her left foot). The opposing coach came to me and wanted obstruction called. However, I never saw where it impeded or slowed down the batter/runner coming from home plate.

Is this obstruction or is it nothing?
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