NFHS reply
There are two important facts that are un-known from the original play description: 1) The pitch count and, 2) Did the rolled ball have the possibility to reach the plate area without the CO, where the batter had the opportunity to properly hit the ball even though the swing will be a golf swing??
A) Rolled ball is ball 4
Batter becomes a batter-runner and offensive coach can take the result of any play or take the IP penalty (Runner to 3rd and Batter to 1st). No CO.
B) Rolled ball is not ball 4.
Now, did the rolled ball have the possibility to reach the plate area without the CO, where the batter had the opportunity to properly hit the ball even though the swing will be a golf swing??
NO - Do not have CO, only an IP (Runner to 3rd and ball on Batter).
YES - Have IP and CO (Runner to 3rd and Batter to 1st).