I'm from Wisconsin, where boys games or girls games have the potential to be rather good or rather poor depending on the teams. I enjoy a good girls game more than a lousy boys game.
Our games are assigned by athletic directors (nonconference) and league commissioners. The commissioners here assign both boys and girls games and typically most people here work both. I do know some officials who only seek out boys games, but they are definitely in the minority. Our contracts typically contain both boys and girls games.
On retrospect, I'm sorry I posted the play I did. I post using my name and well, I don't want to get the reputation as something as horrible (HORRIBLE!) as a girls ref. I don't know how I'll sleep tonight without some NyQuil and a brown pop or ten
The boys varsity games are frequently the eaaaaasiest to call anyway. The kids are simply more athletic and when there's a foul everyone in the gym knows it, for the most part. But that's a topic for another day.
[Edited by Rich Fronheiser on Mar 11th, 2003 at 09:47 PM]