Originally Posted by bcl1127
The reason why I think this is a stupid play is exactly for the reasons you say, it only works with the little guys. So it is really great that the coach is taking advantage of the kids that are trying to learn the game.
How else do you learn the game other than by exposure to the tricks that can be used and the misplays that may occur? We make a big point about them not jumping offside regardless of what words are used as signals. We make a big point that they should start their defensive charge when the snapper moves the ball (assuming an initial adjustment), even if it just dribbles out of his hand(s). The first is a trick that works only with the inexperienced, the second is a misplay that practically only occurs with kids.
What lesson are they learning when they are using these plays that only work with kids?
The same lesson they learn when they're tricked by a chess move that's unsound except against beginners. They're learning
from the level where they are, which is where they need to learn it from.
It's the coaches ego that gets stroked when he comes up with a play that tricks 8 - 14 year old's.
Of course we coach differently at this level than we would with more experienced and knowledgable players -- at least the
good coaches coach this way. The bad coaches are the ones who don't coach at the level appropriate to the children -- and that includes assumption of knowledge of the game the kids don't have.
Along with tricks we might use with kids but not adults, there are also tricks we wouldn't try with kids because we know they're not sophisticated enough about the game to fall for them. For instance, influence blocking is pretty useless against kids because they don't know enough to try to fight the influence. Also there are things you don't do on offense because the opponent doesn't have the athletic ability to make them useful; you can't trap block an opposing DL who's not fast enough to penetrate quickly even when not blocked.
So yeah, until my HC this year showed me this formation, I'd never thought of it. It wasn't until last night that I even asked for that explanation. Once I got it, I endorsed it, although it should be supplemented by other plays to take advantage of the QB's position. Yes, the kids need to look where the ball is, and this is a way to burn those who don't heed that lesson.