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Old Mon Oct 10, 2011, 08:53am
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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While I too am bothered by BU wanting to throw up his hands and just leave, I understand it a bit. After all, it was the championship game of the tourney and the UIC himself already bailed!

Shame on UIC for leaving. Shame on PU for involving TD - if someone had the phone number of the UIC, that's your first and only call.

Next time, however, partner --- if your PU is approached by BOTH coaches, your job is to stop the 2nd one from getting there. So shame on you a bit as well.

That said ... once you and partner realized there was an issue, the two of you should have called UIC. If that was not an option, the two of you should have made a ruling - huddled together with no coaches anywhere near you. And then play on. Let them protest your ruling if they like and write it down if they do... but Play On. Don't involve TD. Don't include coaches in the discussion. Rule. Play On. It was you and your partner that allowed this to become a CF.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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