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Old Fri Oct 07, 2011, 11:22am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Tell me how that works? How can you have an American India Pale Ale?

Why can't these folks just get over themselves.? There is no such thing as a true IPA in this century.

Okay, someone "found" an old IPA recipe, but that recipe was based on long-term process that no longer exists. So why not jsut call it whatever it is based on an IPA recipe. The folks who do this marketing probably do the FP/SP bat thing we constantly hear about from the players.
American IPA

The American IPA is a different soul from the reincarnated IPA style. More flavorful than the withering English IPA, color can range from very pale golden to reddish amber. Hops are typically American with a big herbal and / or citric character, bitterness is high as well. Moderate to medium bodied with a balancing malt backbone.

Average alcohol by volume (abv) range: 5.5-7.5%

Style Examples
Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Two Hearted Ale Bell's Brewery, Inc
Stone IPA Stone Brewing Co.
60 Minute IPA Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
(source: Beer Styles - BeerAdvocate)

Personally, I prefer English Bitter style or American Pale Ale style rather than A-IPA, but I'd tried some Two Hearted Ale and it was quite good, so I thought I'd see what all the hub-bub was about with Surly. The choice of hops can give an ale a citrus flavor, but the Surly Furious was overpowering with the citrus, like they had actually added lime to the brew. But, then, the A-IPA is not my favorite style anyway.
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