Originally Posted by Redneck Ref
Working as Linesman (10 years) during a varsity contest. During a pass play on my side near sideline. A makes catch and B hits him and drives him back but is unable to bring him down (loses control of tackle). A then shakes B off for a moment and curls back and then is tackled to the ground by B. I have the spot and then the Linejudge (5 years) comes running across the field yelling that he was up further (3 yards) that A was driven back. I'm sure that I have the right spot. The white hat goes with his spot. The team on my sideline was also wondering why he was watching my sideline. At half time we talk about this play. I tell the Linejudge to stay out of my area wheather I am right or wrong. He should not be watching my area all away across the field. He then becomes defensive and started to yell that he could see the better spot. The linejudge is one of our local top basketball officials and played college football. He is one that will never admit he is wrong. Any thoughts?
Did you tell him that A broke the tackle and that in your opinion forward progress hadn't been stopped?
"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" Anton Chigurh - "No Country for Old Men"