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Old Mon Mar 10, 2003, 10:54pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Lightbulb Depends on the definition.


2 a : the work in which a person is regularly employed : OCCUPATION b : the persons engaged in a particular occupation.

Now I do not know about you, but I have been an official longer than I have been at any other job or activity. Part of the reason is the fact that I was in college and officiating paid many of my bills while I was not working at anything else. Maybe you are a teacher normally and officiating is what you do for extra money, but to me putting the time I do in officiating (year round for me) this might as well be a job. During the winter alone I do extensive travel and get a lot of money to do something that is only an activity.

Now I guess it comes down to how you look at it, but for me this is a job. I have to make several accomidations to maintain it and to work with the schedule I have. And for me the money goes to pay sevral bills. So it is not just a hobby for me. I run this as any other business I have been in, and for anyone here that has ever had their own business can understand. But then again, it is how you look at it.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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