Things I learned last night
These are all from the same coach. Nevermind that coach doubles as league president... ASA wasted $9.95 giving this guy a free rulebook - I guarantee the creases aren't even cracked.
1) You don't award first base on a HBP that bounces.
2) Pitch out of play is 2 bases. (Giving just 1 base is a 10U rule).
3) A pitch that hits the batters hands while she's bunting is an out. (Apparently this is true because the last umpires call this an out... nevermind that we only had 1 strike on the batter, and "the last umpires" likely had 2).
4) It's a double play if a batter tries to run on a dropped 3rd strike with first base occupied and the catcher tries to throw her out.
5) It's also a double play if the (retired) batter leaves the running lane on her way to first (same play as 4).
6) You can courtesy run for ANYONE who has previously pitched in the game!
7) If the visitor is ahead, the game is over when the home team's last batter (the one listed last in the lineup) has completed their at bat.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike