Re: Sensitive issue
Originally posted by LadyRef
It is unfair to assert that minorities are ill-equipped and unqualified simply because of their ethnicity.
I'll jump in to this and say that I don't believe that's what BigDave said or meant. In fact, he didn't say anything like that. You're attempting to put words in his mouth.
Do you mean to suggest that because of your WHITENESS, you are the best or better qualified? If, by chance, you were not hired because you are WHITE..., well that just doesn't happen in America. After all, WHITE men have run this country since its existence.
I've got news for you! It's does happen. Have you ever heard of affirmative action? I've been told some of the same things that Rut and Big Dave have posted here. If you have three officials, a woman, a black man and a white man, who have equal qualifications and abilities, The woman will be picked up first in women's ball and the black man will be picked up first in men's ball. It doesn't bother me. That's the way it is. All other things being equal, that's the way it is.
[Edited by BktBallRef on Nov 27th, 2000 at 09:34 PM]