Rules Interpretation
A few weeks ago, I was named a UIC and rules interpreter for Utrip fastpitch. With this job comes responsibilities and tonight's one of them. Tonight I am meeting with coaches for a fall league that my umpiring group is going to work games for. I am asked to talk to the coaches tonight and give them some idea about the rules for Utrip.
I am asking any of you, if you were asked to do this, or if anyone is a UIC/Rules Interpreter and would like to provide me some bulletpoints or helpful hints - what should they be?
I'd like to hear some opinions.
On a related note, I have already met with the umpires for their rules interpretation - but we do have another meeting coming, and I would like to do a mechanics and positioning clinic as well. Any helpful hints on what to tell the umpires in any upcoming meetings?
Other than ..... READ THE RULE BOOK. That's the first thing I told the umpires and will tell the coaches. But we know how many people do that.
ASA, NCAA, PONY, USSSA Fastpitch, NYSSO Umpire
As umpires, we are expected to be perfect our first game and get better every time out thereafter.
Last edited by LIUmp; Thu Sep 29, 2011 at 11:39am.