Mon Nov 27, 2000, 06:10pm
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Re: Sensitive issue
Originally posted by LadyRef
You're right, this is a sensitive issue. I do, however, have to take ssue with a comment you made in your post. You question the quality of the officials hired from a recent JuCo camp you attended. Your questioning remark suggests the officials hired were unqualified or not the best qualified because they are African-american. While I was not privileged to have attended that camp, I would certainly believe the best officials were hired. You simply were not one of the best officials, therefore, you were not hired. It is unfair to assert that minorities are ill-equipped and unqualified simply because of their ethnicity. Do you mean to suggest that because of your WHITENESS, you are the best or better qualified? If, by chance, you were not hired because you are WHITE..., well that just doesn't happen in America. After all, WHITE men have run this country since its existence.
No disagreement here, except I don't remember seeing that Big Dave was not hired, or even that he applied.