In our association Test #1 is considered a "practice test" and it is NOTHING like the 100 question test. They are quite different. We have the Test #1 as a take home study guide.
First and Second year umpires cannot qualify to work varsity games. In Oregon only people that pass Test #2 (a 75% score is required) are allowed to work varsity baseball games (and you must score 90% to qualify to work playoff games as assigned by the OSAA).
The first and second year umpires are required to attend Training meetings and those are held concurrent to the general meetings. The do not attend a regular member meeting until the LAST meeting of the year when we vote for our next year's officers.
They "learn" the rules over the year . . . each one of them has a mentor . . . they are tested each week on a single section of the rules, that is used "in-house" only.
Our association is known thoughout Oregon as one of the leading trainers of new officials. By the time an umpire can take Test #2 by our by-laws they have a pretty good understanding of the FEDlandia way to rule the game.