Originally Posted by BigUmp56
What additional message is sent, Mike, that isn't sent with a quiet ejection?
I'm half way with you here. By that I mean that if this player was half way between the two of us (partner and I), I would have wound up to run the player.
But he was over a hundred feet away in this play, and it's stepping all over your partner to launch the player loudly.
And let me add that if an umpire working in our association were to do something like this in front of one of our evaluators, there would be a follow up *** chewing.
Didn't say loudly... let's just go with visibly. A followup to your last sentence... if an umpire were to visibly (yet not loudly) eject a player 100 feet away for hurling equipment, after partner did not ... WHO would get the arsechewing? In my area, I'm pretty sure it would be BU, not PU - PU might get a talking to if he did the MLB National TV Ejection, but that's frowned upon most of the time anyway in any circumstance.