Many years ago, an association I was involved with looked into a policy to protect those of us on the board. While researching it, one of our members could not find a case where a baseball umpire was successfully sued for administering a contest. He did find a couple cases where umpire misconduct (one threw a bat carelessly and another was drunk) led to case settlements. I am not sure that this isn't a bit of scare tactics by the insurance companies. The stories you read about from them are usually suppositional.
In Illinois, insurance coverage is as follows:
IHSA Official:
$1,000,000 per occurrence. Coverage includes defense costs and is excess of any other valid and collectible insurance. No liability coverage is provided for members while driving or riding in any auto.
NASO Membership:
$3,000,000 aggregate per event. Coverage is per occurrence (not claims made) protection for liability resulting from bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and advertising injury, and includes costs to defend against such claims as specified in the policy.
ABUA Membership: $2 Million per occurrence/$3 Million general aggregate coverage covers court judgments and awards; legal fees and court costs; $1 Million coverage for lawsuits for bodily injury, property damage and personal injury (defamation of charcter, libel, slander); $50,000 Coverage for fire damage. $0 deductible.
Do what is in your best interest.