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Old Mon Sep 19, 2011, 04:42pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by DesMoines View Post
I appreciate the feedback. This was a new one for me, but I guess I'm not surprised with any of the posts. I agree that it's a very, very small percentage of my revenue and there is definitely a convenience factor.
This is the benefit of the schools and we were sold that the schools loved it and used it to their benefit by having all the information about the officials. But when I go to the schools I still have to fill out information that is already listed on the Arbiter from address to Social Security number. And this past week I worked a game that I have had since March and I they had no record of me. This is getting old and silly. I would rather go back to where emails were used if I have to do the same things I did before to prove I am on a game. Granted we did not pay a lot, but the fact that we were told we must keep things up to date or else because the schools use the information, then if they do not use the information what is the point?

Off my soapbox for now!!

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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