Originally Posted by jemiller
If he catches it beyond the LOS without being touched by B first, then it is OPI, if it just hits him, it is illegal touching (i.e. he did not make an attempt to catch it), and he is illegally down field. Multiple foul take your pick captain. IMHO
Matter of fact, neither of these is right. If it just hits him (and it's unintentional), it's nothing. It's been that way for 6 seasons now. For it to be an illegal touch, it must be muffed, batted, or caught by an ineligible A receiver.
Quite frankly, I'm stunned that the NFHS would essentially removed 5 years of a rule change specifically made (with an erroneous case play) and then fail to admit their error. And quite frankly, this is a bad change, quite backwards IMO.