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Old Fri Sep 16, 2011, 01:25pm
wisref2 wisref2 is offline
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I just got the NFHS reply to me question on the OPI/Illegal touching quandry. The Federation is standing by the case book play. Frankly, I'm going with the rule book.

First, the Federation response:
The NFHS Football Clarification that was sent out to the Committee on August 25, 2011 is correct. The Editorial Committee is going to review the rules language for Rule 7-5-13 for 2012.

Here is the case book play. This is from the NFHS Clarifications of Case Book Plays, which is slightly different than the case book - but those parts specific to our question are not changed:
Page 59, *7.5.13 SITUATION A: Ineligible receiver A2 is behind, in or beyond his neutral zone when a forward pass by A1: (a) accidentally strikes him in the back; or (b) is muffed by him; or (c) is caught by him. RULING: In (a), there is no illegal touching, however, if beyond the line of scrimmage, it would be offensive pass interference if the game officials judge that the offensive player interfered with B’s chance to move toward, catch or bat the pass. In (b) and (c), it is illegal touching and if beyond the line of scrimmage, would also be offensive pass interference. The acts in both (b) and (c) are intentional and not accidental as in (a) as it relates to illegal touching. Although ineligible downfield could also be called, the offended team will likely choose the most severe penalty to be applied.
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