Originally Posted by mbyron
The coach may request a conference before the officials leave the field. If the coach is right and persuades you that you ended the game before it was over, you can bring the teams back on the field and play the end of the game. If he's wrong or fails to persuade you, then you just leave.
That's pretty much what we did. He didn't persuade us, so we just left. I was thinking of players shaking hands, chain crew wandering off, etc.
Originally Posted by mbyron
You should not have allowed a conference during penalty enforcement. Get the coaches off the field; if they don't listen to you or refuse, 15 yards USC on the head coach.
There were no coaches on the field. In fact, the coach called his players to the sidelines during the enforcement. He kept them there after the enforcement and after we started the clock. The wing warned him the clock would start at the ready. I guess he thought he'd let the clock run out while talking to his players thinking he'd get an untimed down.