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Old Tue Sep 13, 2011, 04:31pm
Larry1953 Larry1953 is offline
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Posts: 340
Originally Posted by ozzy6900 View Post
You've been away for a while..... this guy pulls this stuff all the time. He focuses on a rule - usually an obscure one - then pushes play after play into it and people on this forum keep answering him and getting into arguments about these ridiculous plays he comes up with.
Ozzy, I think that is a fair criticism. But remember, some of these ridiculous plays are actually happening at the MLB level. Abandonment was called on the BoSox R3 for entering the scrum. And the D-Backs R2 came close to pulling a Merkle and the crew conferenced about it for quite a while to make sure he didn't.

You are quite correct. I am not an umpire, just a handful of LL games years ago that taught me how hard the job really is. Fans just don't appreciate the skills involved. Participating on this forum has really opened my eyes to see how good you guys really are.

Whatever, that is the spirit behind my posts, as annoying as they may be.
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