Well Bari,
I have re-read your posts and you logic escapes me:
In the original post you left out critical information. It was not mentioned that this was an issue about the judgement betwix you and the PU. You acted like "gee can a guy do this while pitching?"
Then you come back and say, "Oh yeah, this was REALLY about a pickoff at third when my guy got caught with his hands in his pants!"
Internet umpires can only answer to the question as placed . . . you hiding of the real issue just makes it a waste of cyber time to answer when you have a totally different agenda than what is asked.
"By the way, I am FED certified, umped for 10 years before I went into coaching the last couple of years. I also do NAIA baseball and amatuer baseball."
If this is true then the whole thread is a fake on your part. As an umpire that works NAIA you all ready know (or is that "should know") the rule.
It appears to me, in my opinion that is, that you had an entirely different agenda than what the question asked.
What was your "real" intent?
(The Original & Ever Slimming)