Zebra1, in Michigan we have an post-season assignment committee made up of athletic directors, coaches, retired officials, and state personal that make all the post-season selections for all the sports. There is a separate committee for each sport however.
To be qualified in Michigan, your rating(handed out by coaches you worked for during the season, then calculated by the number ratings sent in), your rules meeting attendance, and your completion of a required schedule form is the basic of the selection process. Then, when your name is brought up for discussion, they check your records, your rating, and schedule, and then vote whether you work or do not work. Our rating system is 1-5, with 1 being the top rating, and 5 being the worst rating. To qualify for districts or regionals, you have to have a 2.7 or better, for quarterfinals a 2.5 or better, and semi-finals and the state finals, you have to have 2.0 or better rating.
I hope this helps out Zebra1.