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Old Wed Sep 07, 2011, 05:22pm
IowaMike IowaMike is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Iowa
Posts: 185
Varsity boys game, A1 drives to the hoop with the ball just outside of the elbow and as he does he clearly pushes off the defender with his forearm. I step towards the play with my fist in the air to call the foul; however, my whistle wasn't in my mouth, never put it back in after the last stoppage. By the time I got it in my mouth and blew the play dead, A1 was just making his layup. Coach was a little peeved about the lateness of the call but who cares? I was embarrassed though.

Came out for the second half of a varsity contest. I always hit the bathroom before coming back out on the court just to make sure the urge doesn't hit me during the game. Well, I forgot to check my zipper and one of my partners finally let me know with about 30 seconds left on the halftime clock that I was wide open. No place to hide and zip it up out on the court.

Early in my career I also had a few of the dreaded forgot who I called the foul on when I got to the table, which is a really sickening feeling. On both occasions I can remember, the table crew bailed me out. I learned to take my time before reporting fouls and now really burn that number into my brain before jogging over to the table.
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