Originally Posted by Skahtboi
Funny, I have the same problem and for the same reason. I even practiced taking it off with my left hand at home repeatedly for years, but whenever I am on the ballfield, instinct takes over. The switch to the left hand is so quick that rarely does anyone ever notice.
So, when I was in college I broke my left hand fairly badly and it gives me just a little grief even just to hold an indicator, so while I've tried repeatedly to learn to get my mask off with my left hand, I've never been able to do it without losing the indicator half the time or it hurting.
A couple of years ago a friendly respected veteran pointed out I was doing it wrong (at this point I wasn't consistently getting it to my left hand after taking it off, so really wrong). Then he showed me what he does. Off with the left hand, into the right hand and then back to the left hand the way he likes it. The right to left I do now, makes more sense to me.