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Old Fri Sep 02, 2011, 09:18am
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally Posted by BretMan View Post
I can picture this...

- At the crack of the bat, umpire is taking a quick step to the catcher's left and removing his mask (kind of like the picture you posted in the other thread!). There are a few fractions of a second burned up.

- On a "line drive near the ground", umpire pauses slightly to make the call, to make sure there aren't any issues with the ball being trapped or to make sure the pitcher retains secure control of the ball before he signals the out (normal good timing). Maybe two more seconds gone before he starts to verbalize the catch.

- If all that eats up a couple of seconds...batter could be halfway up the line with a pretty good head of steam by then.

- When the verbal call gets made, it is going to take another fraction of a second for the batter to react and several feet to decelerate (ie: can't go "poof").

I guess that I could imagine this working out where the batter is legitimately close to first base, even with a strong verbal call by the umpire.
Bret describes how I see this play....I don't envision the retired batter/runner doing anything she is not supposed to be doing, ie running to first base after she hits the ball.

The other point I'd like to make here is that if the defense had executed the play properly (not dropped the ball) this whole discussion would be moot. I just can't see on this specific play rewarding the defense with an out for misplaying the ball.

I can see Mike's rationale for the blocked ball call and would think that may be a more likely outcome for this play.
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