The 'poof' theory gives a retired runner some protection from interfering, using a philosophy that until retired, a runner is doing what she can to be safe. Restated, the runner isn't expected to assume she WILL be out, until she is.
On this OP, the pitcher caught a sinking liner; was the batter-runner even out of the batter's box yet?? Or maybe 10 feet down the line?? So now, the retired BR still runs another 40-50' AFTER being retired, and then unintentionally contacts the ball dropped by F3.
That isn't covered by 'poof; it didn't just happen at the instant the ball was kicked. And nothing covers if she didn't KNOW she was out; isn't that why the offense gets base coaches, whose job is to direct the runners? Seems pretty clear cut to me; if F3 still had an opportunity to pick up that ball and make a play on R1, that is interference by an already retired runner.