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Old Wed Aug 31, 2011, 03:30pm
NCHSAA NCHSAA is offline
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Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer View Post
Now that I think about it, it's the only situation where it's ever been suggested to me to go with the "block" because it's a potential safety issue.

On this play, why have a whistle? The defender is legal after all...this isn't an RSBQ play to me...first of all, the ball handler was already trying to stop short of the defender before the defender tried going Hollywood. If the defender wouldn't have fell to the floor, we're not even discussing this play. By putting air in the whistle, you've penalized a defender that technically did nothing wrong.
I'm not a call the block b/c of safety official, My point is to send a message about trying to deceive an official to call a foul. That's not welcome in the game and will never be. On this particular play I'm still stuck on a charge. The only reason I mentioned block was the acting part of the defender was brought up.
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